Monday, November 30, 2009

眼镜 怎么办?

今天听了一个惊人的消息后,突然有感而发想对他们说“请把你那副能把世界看成美好的眼镜脱掉先。还有你讲我不对,不客观,你是老几?,你还不是觉得自己那副眼镜下看到的东西才是对的! 白痴”



其实说到客观,谁说的算 专家吗? 哪一个才信得过
孔子说人性本善,荀子说人性本恶 (孔子是至圣先师好像比较大,那算他赢吗?)
你情人告诉你说我和他两个只是好朋友,看起来好像真的,信吗?当下应该信吧 好相信了,人家又没有赚到什么的样子

戴着,又太主观 脱掉了又变到很假 好像戴也不是 脱掉也不对
你讲啦 眼镜怎么办?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

2 in 1 post

got a lot of feeling to express so now do a 2 in 1 instant post ease the pain of you guys waiting and for me have to curi-curi use my sis notebook again in the next three week.(thank god she never read my blog or never knew i had one, but if she did see this in facebook pls forgive me. Haha

1st feeling here is unwillingness and sad
i decide to quite doing something i love to and get addicted to(pls guess yourself if u ought to know, but as u continue reading, sure you will understand what i mean) because i think it is my time to move on and take a long vacation as I'm facing the great wall in front of me. This mean that there will be no more game time for me anymore with my dearest gang, maybe like they say a get away will help but i think that my get away will be a LONG one. This is a decision i ought to make for a few time before this, but i keep doing it for a new reason, but like what somebody say, when u can't afford to keep on doing something, its time for u to quit it. I'm using the same reason somebody used before which go as simple as this "I'm really tired" and another reason i don't think you guys had heard before that awkwardly says "i still wanna be friend with u guys"(you guys around me know how I'm feeling lately during discussion= not flexible). i tried to keep it up and fit in but finally give up because i feel that it is no more the game for me. Maybe i just wanna be simple(the rules make the game complex and i hate it more and more and more lately), crazy(like i always do), stupid(sometime too clever also no a good thing flexible goes the same), straightforward(no more small tricks here and here) and finally and most importantly HAPPY(free,easy).I have my next target but god knows if i can do that before i grad(5 more month to go. i promise).

cannot go on for 2 in 1 d because mum need me accompany her to the bank now. continue the happy part tomorrow.